High quality, accuracy and reliability are key features for ABB low voltage circuit-breakers. High performances in any conditions, safe-to-use products and easy replacements of components are always guaranteed.
From a traditional circuit breaker to a real Power Manager. SACE Emax 2 embeds more and more functionalities to become the all-in-one solution able to manage the low-voltage distribution systems.
ABB SACE Emax 2/E circuit breakers can effectively and simply control all wind and solar applications - with the highest availability and continuity of service.
The new Emax air circuit-breakers are the result of ABB SACE’s constant commitment to look for new solutions, and of the know-how it has developed over the years.
The Emax range of automatic circuit-breakers with full size neutral conductor is used in special appli- cations where the presence of triple-N harmonics on individual phases may lead to a very high current
Emax 2 air circuit-breakers up to 6300A have been designed to increase efficiency in all installations: from industrial and naval applications to traditional and renewable power generation
ABB's low voltage air circuit breakers for power management (Circuit Breakers Low Voltage - ABB) E1.2 offers 1600A with breaking capacity up to 66kA and withstand current up to 50kA for 1 second.
Installation of the Emax air circuit-breaker is simple thanks to the reduced number of fixing points posi-tioned on the base of the unit. The availability of a wide range of terminals and conversion kits means wall-mounted or rear-accessed switchgear can be built with ease.