A new model is presented that combines the use of protection factors (PF) from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with intrinsic HDX rates (k int) to obtain a structure-to-reactivity calibration ...
As noted, the new method will improve physicists' understanding of the initial conditions in heavy ion collisions that generate QGP at both RHIC and the LHC. Nuclear structures derived from low ...
Based on these core requirements, a handful of securities market structures have become the dominant trade execution structures in the world. While it may seem that all markets are similar in that ...
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology has historically been the power cell of choice, especially given that we’re always all looking to maximize our smartphone’s battery life. However ...
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, PR China College of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, PR China ...
Archaeologists have uncovered over 6,500 previously unknown Maya structures, including a hidden city with grand pyramids, within southeast Mexico. This major discovery highlights the impressive ...
Cells are surrounded by a membrane that separates the outside of the cell from its inside. Proteins called ion channels are embedded within this membrane and allow charged ions to move in and out of ...