近日,黎巴嫩全境传呼机、对讲机等随身携带设备发生爆炸,造成多人死亡,千余人受伤,引发了广泛恐慌。多名军事专家认为,是由便携设备的电池组融入的PETN(季戊四醇四硝酸酯,简称太安)烈性炸药造成。虽然隐藏在设备中的炸药很微量,但低剂量炸药容易躲过X光检查 ...
An Israeli plot using weaponised pagers killed 39 and injured thousands of Hezbollah members in Lebanon. The pagers contained plastic explosives undetectable by X-ray. Hezbollah was misled by ...
Agents designed a battery that concealed a small, powerful plastic explosive and a new detonator that was invisible to X-ray detection.
According to the Lebanese source and photos, a thin, square sheet with six grams of white pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) plastic explosive was squeezed between two rectangular battery cells. The ...
1. 距离上一次引爆约24小时,以色列再度遥控引爆真主党的手持式对讲机,而且正好发生在真主党为被BP机爆炸身亡成员的葬礼上。接连被BP机、对讲机贴身爆炸杀伤的几千人,大部分是黎巴嫩真主党骨干成员,以及“受轻伤”的伊朗大使馆多人。 2.
1. 当地时间9月17日下午,数千名黎巴嫩真主党骨干成员配带的新款BP机突然爆炸,造成约11人死亡(截止北京时间18日11点)。伊朗驻黎巴嫩大使也在爆炸中受轻伤。民用市场淘汰了20多年的通讯工具竟变成了以色列精确杀伤真主党的杀器。 2.