The UN’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said Friday (20 March) that three pesticides were “probably” carcinogenic and two others, which have already been outlawed or ...
In 1979, the World Health Organization classed the pesticide as potentially carcinogenic. But in 1981 the French authorities authorised chlordecone for use in banana plantations in the French West ...
The pesticide industry is pushing back against the government’s ban on chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or ...
To account for the 10- to 18-year lag time between carcinogen exposure and the time it takes prostate cancers to grow, Soerensen's group looked at pesticide-use data from 1997 through 2001.
Eight pesticides were found at the air monitoring stations, including 1,3-dichloropropene, a fumigant and probable human carcinogen used to kill crop-damaging pests in soil. That pesticide was ...
Four pesticides that were linked to prostate cancer ... classed by the Environmental Protection Agency as a "possible human carcinogen," whereas the other three are considered "not likely to ...