When light hits the surface of some materials, namely those exhibiting a property known as photoresistance, it can induce ...
Researchers at the National University of Singapore have found that terahertz light causes unique electron flow in doped graphene.
At the heart of an InGaN LED are InGaN quantum wells, buried within a GaN p-n junction. These devices often feature an AlGaN barrier, used to prevent the overflow of electrons from the quantum well.
海归学者发起的公益学术平台分享信息,整合资源交流学术,偶尔风月五律·秋水栅秋风渡夜寒,旭晓慰南冠坐树闲描彩,凌波素隐湍廊桥才久伫,复屋又蹒跚念想曾相遇,浮沉已尽欢引子在量子材料的诸多分支中,超导 (主要指非常规超导) 无疑是最风光的,令人羡慕和嫉妒。