生活在南美洲的水狼脂鲤(Hydrolycus spp.)和非洲大陆的狗脂鲤(Hydrocynus spp.)也长有夸张的尖牙,因此也成为了很多剑射鱼绘画的参考素材。
Until now, there was only anecdotal evidence that the African tigerfish, a freshwater fish known scientifically as Hydrocynus vittatus, had the ability to propel itself out of the water and ...
These deadly creatures are always lurking below the water's surface, camouflaging themselves to catch their unsuspecting prey ...
Just imagine you are swimming in the Ganges River, enjoying the cold sacred water that washes away your worries and cleanses your soul. But suddenly, your feet touch something mobile inside the ...