据悉,苹果会在产品停售5年-7年后标记为过时产品,这就意味着这些产品可能无法获得苹果官方的维修服务,但如果仍有零件可用,苹果会提供最多两年时间的维修服务。 iPhone XS Max在2018年9月13日发布,是第一款大尺寸的刘海屏机型,支持面容ID ...
【ITBEAR】苹果公司近日更新了其过时与停产产品名单,引起了广泛关注。据悉,iPhone 6s Plus与iPhone X Max两款机型已被正式列入此名单中,而iPhone XS与iPhone 6s则暂时幸免。
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【ITBEAR】苹果官网近日对“过时产品”列表进行了更新,新增了iPhone XS Max和iPhone 6s Plus两款机型。
Further spelunking into Apple's latest iOS 12 beta on Friday reveals what appears to be an iconographic representation of the company's widely rumored "iPhone X Plus" handset, a larger-screened ...
The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox.
The iPhone XS Max and the iPhone 6s Plus are now classed as "vintage" hardware by Apple, while the Apple Watch Series 2 has ...
I downgraded from the iPhone 16 Plus to the iPhone 14 Pro after just two months. Here's why I did it and what follows next.