parenthood can be like being on Mastermind. Children will probably have heard about climate change from things they've seen and read about, lessons at school and talking in the playground.
The Bitesize: The Regenerators Climate Change Live Lesson for primary schools includes an activity that challenges children to spot changes in satellite images. There are also many free STEM ...
Climate change is a hot topic (sorry—no pun intended) that children want to understand. Problem is, it’s a topic that can be hard for adults to comprehend. So how do you translate science ...
Things are likely to worsen in the coming decades, but scientists argue urgent action can still limit the worst effects of climate change. Climate change is the long-term shift in the Earth's ...
Opening up a conversation is the first step, experts say. Talking with your kids about climate change is a key to preparing them for the future and also helping them manage their anxiety ...
The survey of 2,000 American car owners uncovered that 52% are worried about climate change when thinking about the future ...
The climate crisis is fundamentally and irreparably reshaping our world, with grave implications for the rights of current and future generations of children. They have inherited a problem not of ...
Demographic shifts, worsening climate change and rapid technological transformation risk creating a bleak future for youth.