这一创新标志着音频技术即将迈入一个全新的时代。5ziesmc 作为MEMS行业的知名企业,xMEMS一直致力于MEMS技术的创新和应用,其每一步动作都值得行业关注。在2024年9月于深圳举办的「xMEMS Live – Asia 2024」技术研讨会上,xMEMS推出了Cypress固态MEMS扬声器、Skyline 动态 ...
Fig. 5: IMU prices as defined by bias instability. Color indicates technology: RLG = ring-laser gyro; HRG = hemispheric resonator gyro; FOG = fiber-optic gyro. MEMS is gradually improving the grades ...
One way that’s getting some attention is to put many MEMS IMUs on a single PCB, connect it to an FPGA, then process their data all together to make for a more sensitive IMU or filter out drift.