also known as Iwo Jima, in Tokyo's Ogasawara. On Jan. 16, a ceremony was organized by the Tokyo metropolitan government to commemorate the war dead on Iwoto. “We ask for continued efforts to ...
In addition to the usual celebrations for veterans, the community rededicated its Iwo Jima Memorial, which had been in storage for a couple of years. Many years ago, several WaKeeney citizens came ...
The veterans met at the Iwo Jima Memorial, in New Britain, with the cutting of a birthday cake for the Marines 249th birthday. One of the Marine vets, in attendance, was 101 years old who actually ...
On Veterans Day, dozens of people came together to honor veterans at the National Iwo Jima Memorial in Newington. It was a tradition that began almost 30 years ago, thanks to a man named Dr.