The frequency of ultrasound is therefore greater than 20,000 hertz. Ultrasound, like audible sounds, is transmitted by means of longitudinal waves. Ultrasound is used in medicine to break up ...
A sound wave is a vibration that travels through a solid, liquid or gas such as the air or water. A loud sound has a large amplitude, a high pitched sound has a high frequency. Musicians and ...
In episode 61 of the Sky High column, Meghnath explains the concept of frequency and communicating through resonance and ...
The approach uses high-frequency sound waves, usually in the megahertz (radiofrequency) range, to periodically modify the refractive index of a crystal through which a laser beam propagates.
Researchers at the University of Sydney have, for the first time, successfully used lasers to generate guided sound waves on ...
It should be remembered that a barrier's performance can be severely reduced by temperature and wind gradients. Diffraction of a low frequency sound wave around a barrier. Note that the barrier does ...
In a world where stress and uncertainty seem to be the norm, finding effective ways to cultivate inner peace and financial ...
They sent a sound wave with a frequency of around 800 Hertz (roughly the high g of a soprano) through the first waveguide and ...
First time lasers used to make, control, detect high-frequency sound waves on chip surface Design will open door to devices ...
This wave, the velocity of which is greater than c, cannot carry energy. A radiation of frequency v has to be considered as divided into atoms of light of very small internal mass (-io~50 gm.) ...
A team of researchers has for the first time successfully used lasers to generate guided sound waves on the surface of a microchip. These acoustic waves, akin to the surface waves produced during an ...
In a world where stress and anxiety seem to prevail, many individuals are on a quest for solutions that can bring peace, ...