Egan and colleagues described five patients who had dyshidrotic eczema unresponsive to conventional therapy or who were intolerant of glucocorticoids. The patients experienced clearing or ...
This can sometimes lead to thickened, discolored, or peeling skin in affected areas. However, you can manage eczema symptoms, and dyshidrotic eczema tends to improve with increasing age.
Dyshidrotic eczema, also called pompholyx, is a type of dermatitis that causes small blisters on your hands or feet. In most cases, this type of eczema begins between the ages of 20 and 40.
Consequently, many authors have used the terms "dyshidrosis," "dyshidrotic eczema," and "pompholyx" interchangeably. It is our belief that the terms "dyshidrotic eczema" and "pompholyx" describe ...