Work in Japan and Australia has revealed that a deep-ocean current is carrying frigid water rapidly northward from Antarctica along the edge of a giant underwater plateau. Understanding such ...
Surface currents are relatively easy to measure and track. But those in the deep ocean are mostly a mystery. Now, a new study ...
They're so large you can see them on satellite images. These powerful currents can push warm surface water down deeper or lift deep cold water up, causing rapid temperature changes. Eddies can ...
Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is causing a dramatic slowdown in deep ocean currents and could have a disastrous effect on the climate, a new report warns. The deep-water flows which drive ocean ...
They’re primarily driven by winds and by seawater density, although many other factors – including the shape and configuration of the ocean basin they flow through – influence them. The two basic ...
"The deep ocean is home to a range of marine life ... The research also highlights the influence of ocean currents, in particular eddies, on MHWs, indicating they are a key driver of subsurface ...
The Southern Ocean, which circles the globe without being blocked by land, is home to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the longest of the world's ocean currents. Also known as the "channel ...
And the technique opened other possibilities, such as monitoring deep-water currents for changes caused by global warming. There is also the untested possibility of using cables to monitor how ...
"The deep ocean is home to a range of marine life ... The research also highlights the influence of ocean currents, in particular eddies, on MHWs, indicating they are a key driver of subsurface ...