These cells are known to respond to a variety of signaling pathways, but this study makes the case for BMP acting via binding to MuSK in maintaining the quiescent state. A central question in adult ...
Despite all that we know of the adult stem cell, we still know very little about how their age affects their differentiative capacity. The use of a pediatric stem cells in the repair of ...
Adult stem cells are cells in the adult that can both self-renew by dividing and give rise to more specialised cell types present in the tissue in which they reside. They serve to maintain and ...
Stem cells grown in microgravity aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have unique qualities that could one day help accelerate new biotherapies and heal complex disease, researchers say. The ...
And they argue that scientists can achieve the same results using adult stem cells— immature cells found in bone marrow and other organs in adult human beings, as well as in umbilical cords ...
The average human body is composed of about 37.2 trillion cells, which is 300 times the number of stars in our galaxy.All our adult cells come from a single cell, called the fertilized egg (or ...