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Come in and share the beauty. At Sephora, you can enjoy a shopping experience where all are welcome and what makes you unique is celebrated. Check out fan-favorite brands like FENTY BEAUTY …
Come in and share the beauty. At Sephora, you can enjoy a shopping experience where all are welcome and what makes you unique is celebrated. Check out fan-favorite brands like FENTY BEAUTY by Rihanna, Drunk Elephant, Tatcha, and affordable picks from Sephora Collection. Visit our website to learn more about what's happening at your Sephora, like exclusive product launches, brand events, and more. In a hurry? Get your order fast and easy with in-store or curbside online order pick-up options that work for you (availability varies by location): 1. Enter parking lot from Polaris Pkwy. 2. Look for curbside pickup signs near valet 3. Park in designated space You can also try Same-Day Delivery to get your beauty delivered directly to you*. (*Delivery fees apply. Availability based on delivery location.) We can't wait to see you!
4.3/5 · 18 条评论
Wore a face covering and they still don’t let you in if it’s a bandana. Unbelievable. Total BS. Holly Koskinen的完整评论
Shea at the Polaris location in Columbus, Ohio, helped me find a foundation in the perfect shade and formula. He took the time to make sure I had the right product. ❤ Gail Stanley Merrick的完整评论
What is The Beauty Insider Community and how does it work?
The Beauty Insider Community is an online community where the beauty obsessed and beauty newbies alike can gather virtually to ask questions, join challenges, share their looks, swap...